Head of Department : Batul Keykhosravi
More than 350 patients are referred to the Endoscopy and Bronchoscopy Department of the hospital for diagnostic and therapeutic services every month. The Endoscopy department of the Vasei Hospital with advanced machinesand two state of the art devices(manufactured in USA and Japan), is proud to provide services to the clients. In this department, endoscopy and bronchoscopy are performed with standards comparable tothat of most advanced treatment centers. Four gastroenterologists, lung specialists and pediatric gastroenterologists along with a team ofexperienced and trained specialists work in this department.

Moreover, therapeutic interventions for endoscopy and treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding through endoclip placement, argon plasma coagulation (APC) to prevent bleeding, gastrostomy tube insertion for nutrition in patients with brain damage and controlling gastrointestinal bleeding induced by esophageal varices in patients with advanced liver failure along with diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy for controlling bronchial hemorrhages and pleural biopsy are performed in this center.
Tel: +985144014210