Row Title Journal Index Year Munth Athor
1 Determinants of carbon load in airway macrophages in pregnant women Environmental Pollution ISI (Q1) 2022 March Miri M
2 monitoring and risk assessment of indoor dust-bound PAHs collected from housing and public buildings: Effect of influencing factors Environmental Research ISI 2022 March Miri M
3 Association of traffic-related air pollution with Newborn's anthropometric indexes at birth Environmental Research ISI 2022 March MoghaddamHosseini V, Ghalenovi M, Pajohanfar N, Ghezi S, Mehrabadi S, HasannejadEstiri H, Miri M
4 Design, implementation and evaluation of web-based electronic logbooks for anesthetic and operating room students in clinical setting Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences Other 2022 April Z, Akbarzadeh R, Yazdimoghaddam
5 Association of cord blood asprosin concentration with atherogenic lipid profile and anthropometric indices Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome ISI 2022 May Heydari H
6 Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of COVID-19 in 1294 New Cancer Patients: Single-Center, Prospective Cohort Study from Iran Cancer investigation ISI 2022 May Javadinia SA
7 Radiographers’ Occupational Health Assessments and their Radiation Exposure during COVID-19 era; A Call for an Action Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention PubMed 2022 june Ghahramani-Asl R, Javadinia SA
8 Source apportionment and health risk of exposure to ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) bound to particulate matter in Sabzevar, Iran Human and Ecological Risk Assessment ISI (Q1) 2022 june EzatSamadipouraFatemehGhardashi
9 A New Approach on the pain management of intramuscular injection: A Triple-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial Pain Management Nursing ISI (Q1) 2022 june , Borzoee F
10 Prevalence Rate and Factors Related to Self- medication in Preventing COVID-19 Disease in Pregnant Women Scientific Journal of Medical Sciences Other 2022 July Borzoee F
11 Prevalence Rate and Factors Related to Self- medication in
Preventing COVID-19 Disease in Pregnant Women
Scientific Journal of Medical Sciences Other 2022 July Borzoee F, Hashmatifar N
12 Perception risk, preventive behaviors and assessing the relationship between their various dimensions: A cross-sectional study in the Covid-19 peak period International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction ISI 2022 July EzatSamadipouraFatemehGhardashi
13 The Effects of Nigella Sativa Oil on Serum Levels Inflammatory Markers, Oxidative Stress Markers, and Lipid Profile in Dialysis Patients: A Double-Blind Clinical Trail Journal of Nutrition and Food Security Scopus 2022 August Kooshki A
14 Kisspeptin levels in relation to sex hormone profile among PCOS patients Irish Journal of Medical Science ISI 2022 August Moradi Binabaj M
15 A Low Dose Whole Lung Radiotherapy for Covid-19 Pneumonia: What have we Learned? Opinion of the International Geriatric Radiotherapy Group. Medical Research Archives Other 2022 September Javadinia SA
16 Evaluation of the prevalence of illness anxiety disorder following the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran and its related factors: a cross-sectional study Health Science Reports ISI 2022 November Mahdavifar N
17 Recent advances in glioblastoma multiforme therapy: A focus on autophagy regulation Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy ISI (Q1) 2022 November Moradi Binabaj M
18 A study on exposure to greenspace during pregnancy and lipid profile in cord blood samples Environmental Research ISI (Q1) 2022 November Miri M
19 Investigation of radiation dose around C-arm fluoroscopy and relevant cancer risk to operating room staff Radiation and Environmental
ISI 2022  February Robatjazi M;
20 The association between food groups and preeclampsia: a case-control study Hypertension in Pregnancy ISI 2022  February Kooshki A
21 The Impact of Incentive Spirometry on Shoulder Tip Pain in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques ISI 2022  February Yazdimoghaddam
Source apportionment and health risk of exposure to ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) bound to particulate matter in Sabzevar, Iran
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment ISI (Q1) 2022  Jun Robatjazi M;
23 Immunohistochemical Expression of NQO1 in Premalignant Lesions and Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Cervix and its Correlation with Histopatholigic Factors Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility Scopus 2022 December  Ahrari Roudi S
24 The association of exposure to air pollution and depression in women; a cross-sectional study of a middle-income country Environmental Research ISI (Q1) 2022 December  MohammadMiri
25 The Effects of Nigella Sativa Oil on Serum Levels Inflammatory Markers, Oxidative Stress Markers, and Lipid Profile in Dialysis Patients: A Double-Blind Clinical Trail Journal of Nutrition and Food Security Scopus 2022 January  Kooshki A
26 Socioeconomic inequalities in prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension: evidence from the PERSIAN cohort study BMC Public Health ISI (Q1) 2022 January  Fallahi M, Saghi MH
27 Detection of stage of lung changes in COVID-19 disease based on CT images: a radiomics approach Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine ISI 2022 January  Mehrpouyan M
28 Probabilistic risk assessment of soil contamination related to agricultural and industrial activities Environmental Research ISI 2022 January  Miri M
29 The influence of physical and mental workload on the safe behavior of employees in the automobile industry Heliyon ISI (Q1) 2022 October   Fallahi M
 Nail job and women's health Assessment of ergonomics and occupational hazards Work
Fallahi M
31 The Prevalence of Nosocomial Infections and Related Microbial Agents Based on the NNIS System in Sabzevar During 2011-2015 Avicenna Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infection Other 2022   Zahra Jafarabadi